Thursday, September 29, 2011

An Interracial Love Story

"An Interracial Love Story"

Doris was waiting impatiently for Michael's flight to land. He had left for Boston only that morning to visit his mother on the weekend. They planned to marry, and Michael's mother had to be informed about the happy event. But suddenly he had called up Doris in the afternoon and informed her that he was coming home that evening and they would have dinner together.Michael's flight landed and when he had collected his hand bag and passed the security check point, they left the airport. Doris was driving as Michael seemed a bit distracted.

He was content to sit by her side occasionally giving her deep searching looks and running his finger through her jet black curly hair.

Doris had clear dark brown skin and generally considered pretty. She came to study in New York from her native land Kenya, and met Michael in University. They made a contrasting couple for Michael had blonde hair and blue eyes. Doris loved Michael madly and just now she was deeply worried about him. Probing gently, she found that Michael and his family had disagreed violently regarding his marriage plans. His elder sister Elle had not even wanted to believe that he could love a dark skinned girl and had used abusive language to describe Doris. Michael had come back vowing never to meet his family again in future.

After they reached home, Michael went to have a shower and freshen up and Doris quickly grilled steaks for their dinner. Once they had dinner, they decided to get married within the next couple of days. Doris was sorry that she was the cause of Michael's break with his family, but realized that with love they could overcome all obstacles in future. The day ended for them with prayer on their lips and hopes in their hearts for a happy and bright future together.

Love is an emotion that transcends all boundaries of race, caste and creed.
Love does not see the color of the skin, nor the social status of the person. The all pervading emotion is very pure and it can stand the test of time, if the need so arises.
In the Western countries, many communities of different races reside. Therefore an interracial love story can be found anywhere.

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